We expressly refer to §39 General protection of wild animals and plants; Authorization to issue statutory ordinances BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act)
"When can I cut my hedge?" That's a question we hear very often.
The answer is in the BNatSchG in §39. A short excerpt will bring you clarity:
(5) It is forbidden
1. to burn down the ground cover on meadows, open fields, high rises and unused areas as well as on hedges and slopes or to treat areas not used for agriculture, forestry or fishing in such a way that the fauna or flora is significantly impaired,
2. Trees that are outside the forest, short rotation plantations or horticultural areas, hedges, living fences, shrubbery and other woody plants are to be cut off, put on the cane or removed in the period from March 1st to September 30th; Gentle shape and maintenance cuts to remove the growth of plants or to keep trees healthy are permitted,
3. To cut back the reeds between March 1st and September 30th; outside these times, reeds may only be cut back in sections,
... "
According to this excerpt, it is now clear that gentle shape and care cuts are generally allowed. It is important to point out the word "gentle" once again. We ask you expressly to search the relevant part for animals and living beings before cutting or caring for them, but without disturbing them. If you discover a bird's nest or something similar, please DO NOT cut.